Hope is pretty fucking punk.


The world is looking very dark right now. It seems that we are sliding inexorably towards a less democratic future, ruled by billionaires and oligarchs. It is easy to feel helpless in the face of this, in the realisation that you are one small person up against a lot of people with a huge amount of wealth and power, and it can sometimes feel easier to curl into a little ball and hide under the covers. Caring takes effort, and energy, and some days you just don't have either. It can be so hard to go against the common media that we see every day, telling us that the world is increasingly terrible and awful and we are doomed and look at what these terrible people are doing in all 4 corners of the globe. It can be so easy to get sucked into the black hole, to feel despair creep into every pore of your being, until apathy takes over. What's the point, you cry. Everything is terrible until you die, so why bother with anything?

I feel you. I was deep in that hole. It's not cool to care about anything. It's cool to be cynical. Well, TOUGH SHIT. Life is incredible and wonderful and terrible and beautiful and guess what: you get to experience all of that ALL the time! You get to experience all the raw human emotions! Is it gonna be great all the time? Fuck no! Would you want it to? Would that not cheapen the experience? You need the lows to love the highs. Is it going to be easy? NO! Nothing worthwhile is ever easy. You have to WORK at this! You can't just wake up one day and be grateful to be alive - you need to start small and work your way up, and one day you will look around and realise how much you've been missing out on by navel gazing instead of enjoying the world around you. How lucky you are to be able to hear a cat's purr! How lucky you are to be able to smell the fresh bread being baked at the bakery! I can go on forever. It's a culmination of the small things, that make the big things so worthwhile. Sometimes it's hard to remember, so I've put together some posts I like, to help you when it all seems too much. So, weary traveler, place your woes here and rest your weary head. Open your heart, and learn to hope again. Remember, at this point in history, hope is pretty fucking punk rock.